All to often I forget to look at my entire website and as I was poking around I realized how out of date my About Lizy page was!
I wrote it 2 years ago when I first created the website, so I took the time to spruce it up and update the info. Looking at the pictures, I sit here amazed, stunned and rather emotional to realize that my body has changed so much. To lose 110 lbs and drop from a size 22 to a size 14 is almost unbelievable to me really. My legs are SO strong! My body has become so toned and really, all I do is Zumba® and Zumba Toning®.
So I invite you to take the time to come and read my About Lizy page. It’s 7 minutes out of your day that will make you smile and hopefully find inspiration in me and in your own lives. We’re all on our own journeys, let find inspiration in them all.
So much love from me to you xo